Kenneth Platt IV (KP as he in known as in the hood)
was born to some pretty rad parents on 8-3-2010.
Marci and I were pregnant together and it was so much fun to have
someone to share in your mood swings, weight gain (even though I gained
WAY more than she did), hot flashes and good cravings with.
KP and Brady will no doubt be BFF's whether they like it or not :)
KP has really been THE BEST baby for Marci.
While my lil' devil was screaming and throwing tantrums,
KP sleeps sweetly in Marci's arms and barely makes a peep.
I think that might be a sign of who will be getting who into trouble
when they are older. KP no doubt will be a peace maker and such a sweet
little boy. He is so adorable and I am so grateful that Brady will have
a perma best friend. Brady will probably want to run away to Kenny & Marci's
house on more than one occasion I am sure!
Marci, KP is such a cutie pie! Thanks for letting me capture his yumminess!